COVID-19 - We are open for business in compliance with the provisions of the Prime Minister's Decree of 10 April 2020


Designing to make the best product possible, transforming the idea and the need of the customer in what will become the final product.

We can count on a team of 10 people, led by technical experts, “contaminated” by the ideas of young university graduates, all motivated by the passion for electronics. The team makes use of external collaborators as regard to the more specialized aspects, merging and working in close collaboration.

The Engeneering Department often does not limit its action only to hardware and software management, but it also looks after mechanical aspects, graphics and aesthetics, wiring and everything else it takes to create a real system. The system can be sometimes extremely small and with minimal consumption, sometimes with bigger dimensions and higher powers.

Our Engeneering Department is in close contact with the Production Department by providing all the necessary information and receiving ongoing feedbacks aimed at “continuous improvement”.



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