COVID-19 - We are open for business in compliance with the provisions of the Prime Minister's Decree of 10 April 2020

Quality and Certifications

In El.Fa. We have always worked to satisfy the needs of our customers. This is why we take the concept of Quality into great consideration and give importance to the Certifications obtained.

We believe that each of us is both a supplier and a customer of an articulated system. For this reason we believe that we should organize ourselves in the best way to transform the needs of a partner into a product with added value. Therefore we plan every activity, transforming them into projects and products, performing controls and analyzes on processes and products to ensure their reliability over time.
We believe that listening to the opinion and needs of all our partners is an added value and not a waste of time, because only in this way can we find solutions and start actions for the continuous improvement of our company.

In a few words, we work in Quality.
A corporate value in which El.Fa. has believed for years and has translated into the implementation of a certified quality management system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2017/821, concerning the regulation of the import of minerals coming from countries affected by conflicts or by extensive violations of human rights, El.Fa. srl, also undertakes to promote a policy of awareness towards its suppliers, in order to collect information useful for tracing the supply chain of these minerals and to share this information with its customers.

To request a copy of our certification fill in the form

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